
Elon Musk Reveals The SpaceX Astronaut Suit

astronaut suit

Musk and SpaceX have designed the best looking astronaut suit yet. Somehow, the company achieved that sleek , sci-fi look we usually see in movies while making it completely functional and ready for a space trip #todaymagic

Elon Musk took advantage of his Social Media followers to proudly display their first SpaceX astronaut suit. This was developed for the NASA commercial crew program, once SpaceX starts sending people to the ISS. It’s a pressure suit, so you won’t see it outside the company’s Dragon Capsule. No one is going to do spacewalks in them, but they are crucial to astronauts indoors. If the worst happens and the capsule depressurizes, the suits will keep astronauts safe and sound.

At first glance, the SpaceX suit will remind you of the ones worn by NASA during missions to the moon, but this is much more modern and streamlined:

As expected, Musk emphasized the fact that this is the final product, not just a mockup. We knew it was in trials, engineers making sure it worked perfectly in various conditions, and, as stated, it passed with flying colors the double vacuum pressure test.

So, what do you think? Did SpaceX’ spacesuit live up to your expectations?

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