Smart Life

Every Child In Britain Is Set To Receive A Raspbery Pi-like Unit For Free

While Amazon is giving everyone the opportunity to create an Echo at home, BBC is empowering British kids by giving away 1 million Micro Bits, computing units similar to Raspberry Pi.

Eleven-year-olds in Britain are invited this year to create #hardwaremagic with BBC’s Micro Bit, a low-power embedded device with a processor, inputs and outputs. Introduced 8 months ago, the small unit includes sensors, 25 LED lights, two programmable buttons and Bluetooth. It can be charged with a battery pack or via USB.

BBC’s Make It Digital campaign raised the funding necessary to bring this project to life, hoping it will  “inspire a new generation to get creative with coding, programming and digital technology”.  To get them interested in coding, developers made sure to make a smartphone app and a web portal, too, where they could bring their ideas to life. The sky is the limit but the  use cases that come to mind are games, fitness trackers and robotic mechanisms.

Soon, anyone will be able to use Micro Bit as a base for their computing projects.

Now, there’s hardware for that.

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