Smart Life

Face-Mounted Android Tablet Becomes Real With Qualcomm 5G Chip


A head-mounted 5G connected Android tablet was recently created thanks to a great collaboration between Qualcomm and RealWear.

The HMZ-1 and HMZ-1Z1 snaps onto a hard hat and places a display in front of the worker’s eye comparable to a seven-inch tablet with voice control. Therefore, workers are able to connect to 5G and IoT sensor data, changing the way they communicate, making it more efficient.

In this way, they will have the possibility to consult with teams of experts and connect to certain equipment on spot.

The cool device is, unfortunately, not for mass consumption.

Apparently, only 10,000 of RealWear wearables by Qualcomm will help industrial workers during a project in Kazakhstan and will expand a wireless e-roaming “smart connectivity” network.

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