
Filmmaker Replaces Prosthetic Eye With Camera For Literal POV

rob spence filmmaker eye camera

No one was expecting to see filmmaker Rob Spence bond with a camera completely. But he did, in a very Deus Ex fashion.  The man replaced his prosthetic eye with a tiny wireless cam that fits his eye socket #machinemagic

After a hunting accident, Canadian filmmaker Rob Spence lost his right eye. An ocular prosthesis took its place, while Rob kept looking for a team capable of doing more for him. Eventually, he found a couple of men who would not back off from a challenge.

These were Phil Bowen, the ocularist who designed a two part shell where the electronics could be stored; Kosta Grammatis, an engineer that designed the first wireless camera inside a prosthetic eye; Rf-links.com, the team that made the custom miniature camera and micro RF transmitter and Martin Ling, the electrical engineer that designed the circuit board. He was the one to put it all together.

With their help, Rob installed the camera inside the socket and became Eyeborg. While the camera is not connected to his brain so he’s not a real Adam Jensen, it does provide him with footage from a literal POV camera. It’s a unique way of helping others truly empathize, by allowing them to see with his eye. That said, the design isn’t perfect; the electronics are easily seen through the transparent shell, one thing Rob Spence and his team want to work on next.

See the story of Eyeborg and other men who use advanced prosthetics like him, in the video below:


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