
First Magic Leap-Certified Earphones: Ambeo AR One from Sennheiser

Credit: Sennheiser

Sennheiser  has now released the very first pair of earphones that are certified for the Magic Leap mixed reality headset – the Ambeo AR One.

They don’t look any different than any other in-ear headphones out there but the Ambeo tech promises to be more immersive and benefits from something Sennheiser dubbed “transparent audio”.

Transparent audio allows the users to mix sound from the real world with the one coming in from your headphones.

Credit: Sennheiser/ YouTube

Magic Leap launched an application for the AR One headphones as well: the Ambeo Augmented Audio Lab. The app lets the users record sounds from the real world and then use them in loops for various experiences. The sounds can be positioned to seem like they are coming from various directions as well.

The earphones have a comfortable earbud nozzle and the Comply ear tips create a seal that isolate any other irrelevant external noise. The design overall is very lightweight, making them more than appropriate to wear for long stretches of time.

The AR One will cost $250 and are expected to become available in the U.S in November.

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