
Yeah, the Headset Is Expensive but These Apple Vision Pro Memes Are Priceless

apple vision pro squid game meme

Apple finally announced their long-rumored headset, the Apple Vision Pro, and the internet just basically exploded when it saw the price tag.

Coming in at an eye-watering price point of $3,500, it’s no wonder there’s a wealth of Apple Vision Pro memes – and we gathered the best of them, so you can share them with your friends.

Apple Vision Pro costs how much?!

Actor Jon Cartwright weighs in on why Apple Vision Pro is so expensive

Notable big tech critic Brian Merchant offering an alternative to Apple Vision Pro

Even big-time investors are making fun of people who will buy Apple Vision Pro

Also read: Not Again! An Air National Guardsman Arrested After He Used A Parody Killer-for-Hire Website

This one is for everyone who ever cracked an iPhone (so basically, every iPhone owner in history)

And if you don’t crack the Apple Vision Pro, a YouTuber will definitely do it for you

New technology means 1000 new ways to break it

by u/8Bit_Innovations in dankmemes

Back in my day, this used to be Apple Vision Pro

Kids these days…

The job market these days…

Apple Vision Pro is cheap, actually (and a valid retirement plan)

Apple Vision Pro Slav life 

So, which Apple Vision Pro meme cracked you up the most?

Also read: Another Person Just Drove into the Ocean Because the GPS Told Them So

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