
FotoNation And Kyocera Partner Up To Enable “Cars To See And Interact With Drivers”


As the number of car accidents increases daily, leaving countless bodies behind, the need for efficient driving monitoring systems has become more evident. It’s one thing to take your precautions and another to drive flawlessly. That is why security and computational imaging specialists are working now to secure your car, your life and others’. Two major players in the automotive industry, FotoNation and Kyocera, partnered up recently with that goal in mind#automagic

The leader in computational imaging and computer vision solutions, FotoNation, and Kyocera, powerful provider of rear-view cameras systems for vehicles, are now driven to develop together advanced  computer vision solutions for the automotive market. With FotoNation’s expertise, Kyocera hopes to bring better camera systems to vehicles, including intelligent surround view cameras that will ultimately provide a safer environment for drivers and pedestrians.

With FotoNation’s hardware accelerated imaging solutions, Norio Okuda, Manager of the Automotive Camera Development Administration Department, Corporate Automotive Components Group at Kyocera Corporation, said they would enable “cars to see and interact with drivers,” transforming once and for all the automotive world as we know it.

“Increasing interest from the automotive industry for vision systems to enhance vehicle safety represents an opportunity for significant growth for FotoNation, driven mainly by adoption of our advanced imaging systems by tier-one automotive suppliers and OEMs,” added Sumat Mehra, senior vice president of marketing and business development at FotoNation, in reference to the partnership.

*In case you didn’t know, the company has a range of applications from DMS to driver identification, e-mirror, smart rearview cameras and 360 degree occupancy monitoring.

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