
Google Is Changing The Face Of Apps With Instant Access And Smart Replies


Google I/O Event brought us some pretty cool surprises in messaging, virtual reality, even Internet Of Things. When we thought we’d seen everything in smart texting, the company proved once more we should put our imagination batter to work, at least when it comes to instant replies, smart suggestions and video calls #softwaremagic

One of the highlights of the day was a new messaging app, Allo, that has everything you’ve seen so far + Google assistance. That means you’ll have a know-it-all by your side every moment you’re typing, happy to suggest restaurant and French coffee shops, for example, if you’re talking about amazing food and architecture (in such locations) in France. On the other hand, the Gmail “smart reply” feature has been moved to Allo, where it can predict the way your repsond and write a reply in your place. Moreover, it can analyze the pictures you are being sent and write context-appropriate responses. More talking, less time typing. 

Another app that put a smile on my face was Duo, a video messaging application. This one comes with a quirky addition – before accepting a call, you get to see who calls and what surprises are in store for you. It’s the same thing as looking through the peephole before opening the door.

Last but not least, get ready to experience Instant App opening. With this feature, you won’t have to install an app just to see how a feature works or to test it one time and then forget about it. You’ll be able to open it from a link, solve your task and then watch it close automatically, without being permanently installed in your smartphone. Pretty crazy, right?

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