
Gmail App Can Be Used To Send Or Receive Money

Gmail money transfers google

While some companies are working on making payments credit card-free, others are helping people send money easier than ever. Google is making transactions hassle-free by enabling its Gmail app to send and receive money #mobilemagic

Until now, Gmail users were able to send amounts of money and receive them from their browser email account. Well, the system went mobile. US Gmail users can finally make transactions free to whomever they choose from their smartphones. If you’re living in the US, you just have to access theapp for Android and click the Compose button as if you were sending an email. Write the address of the recipient and instead of attaching a photo or video, simply choose the Send money option. A small screen will appear that will prompt you to enter the amount you want to send.

Voila! You’ve just sent money without entering loads of information. The receiver doesn’t need to have a Gmail address but he/she will be prompted to add a debit card for money transfer the first time around. After that, it’s a simple matter of clicking the right button, in this case Claim money, to get the amount sent.

For the time being, only US users are able to use the app for transactions, the rest of us having to access it from our desktops. On the other hand, Gmail with Google Wallet aren’t the only mobile apps for money transfers. Which app are you using?

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