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gmail confidential mode

Google’s revamp of its email services Gmail is no longer a secret. Besides the nice redesign, plugins, and To-Do lists we wrote about earlier this week (check out the article here!), one of the features rumored to come in the new iteration will help users keep emails more confidential and private.

The updated Gmail will bring something called Confidential Mode. This new mode doesn’t mean your future emails will be hidden from certain recipients, but instead, emails will be erased from chosen inboxes after a certain period of time.

The new email form will give you the option to set an expiration date, ranging from few days to years. Once that date comes along, the email will be unreadable by the recipient(s). Moreover, those people will be unable to copy, forward, download, or print it. Of course, this won’t stop users from taking a picture of the text if they really wanted to save it.

Another interesting feature is a time stamp that removes emails from your inbox temporarily. After the time period is up, it will return to the top of your inbox. This is helpful when you don’t have the time to read an email but it’s still important enough to be skimmed through later.

Additionally, Gmail will be bringing Smart Reply to its web client. Currently available on the smartphone app, it adds a nice, quick reply feature to save time.

We’ll keep you updated on further improvements or changes Google makes to its services in the coming weeks.

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