Google Arts and Culture has decided to put Stratasys’ J750 full color 3D printing system to good use via the Open Heritage Project.
The 3D printing system will reconstruct a number of historical monuments and allow historians to re-create historical pieces that can be more easily shared.
The J750 3D printer from Stratasys can mix and match colors and materials to create prototypes that are much closer to the final products that will be sent into production, cutting down two steps from the traditional 3D workflow by eliminating painting and assembly.

The printer can move the product or file from the workspace of an engineer (or in our case, historians or curators) to an actual, physical prototype in just a few hours.
“With the new wave of 3D printed materials available, we’re able to deliver better colours, higher finish, and more robust mechanical properties, getting much closer to realistic prototypes and final products right off the machine.”
Bryan Allen, Google Design Technologist
The team in charge of the project uses 3D scanners to create a CAD design of the objects, buildings, statues and everything else found in heritage sites. After the files are uploaded they can be accessed as a file and printed.
As the project will grow, the team intends to make the files available for download all around the world.
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