
Google Drive Backs Up iPhones To Make The Android Switch Easier

google drive iphone backup
The Next Web

Google is calling iPhone users to the Android side with an easy phone backup. The Google Drive app for iOS is going to be able to backup contacts, calendar and camera roll to the cloud #softwaremagic

The new feature is set to come in an app update. Instead of transferring all phone numbers, media and events from an iPhone to an Android device piece by piece, Google Drive will take care of it all in one swoop. Yes, it might take longer than expected to complete the process but at least you’ll deal with one app instead of several.

What Google Drive won’t be able to save in the cloud are texts and music. You’ll have to go through the transfer or download process alone.

When it’s available, the new feature will be found in the Settings menu -> Backup. When you decide it’s time to use this function, make sure you’ll have the phone plugged in and on Wi-Fi – the app must stay open until the process is finished.

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