
Google Teaches Kids to Read Through a New Free App

Say ‘hello’ to Rivet, Google’s mobile app designed to teach children how to read by listening to them.

Image: Google Play Store

The company’s Area 120 incubator is where Rivet came to life, to integrate more than 2,000 books for children, labeled by topic and reading level. The app works pretty simply, it helps kids to read better, pointing out the right pronunciation. Rivet makes subtle suggestions in the form of visual cues and displays warnings when a word is mispronounced.

When reading with the app, the mic button is enabled so Rivet can listen if the kids mispronounced. If so, they are persuaded to read each word correctly in order to proceed to the next page.

That sounds pretty straightforward so it’s a pity that the feature is currently available for a limited number of books on Android, with the iOS app still pending.

The app can be accessed for free in 11 countries of Europe.

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