Smart Life

This Guy Collected 4500 Cameras Over The Years And He’s Not Stopping

It’s hard to stop at one camera or a couple of lenses once you get the taste of photography. But if you have the collector’s drug… there’s no escaping it.  Dilish Parekh knows this better as anyone, after years of amassing a huge arsenal of more than 4,500 cameras #fotomagic

Parekh started slowly in the 70s, after his grandfather gave him his first camera. In 2003 he was already the proud owner of 2634 cameras. Some cheap, others obscure and some… really envy-inducing. That year, he entered the Guinness Book World of Records. Today, he has double that number and isn’t planning to stop.

His house is more like a museum of photography, with rare items on display. Most of the cameras were made in the 1890-1960 period and some of them are real gems. A Leica 250, Canon rangefinders and a Petal camera are some of the things that pop out from the documentary above.

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