
HTC Exodus Is World’s First Blockchain Smartphone

htc exodus cryptocurrency wallet

We’ve already seen a smartphone designed to keep your cryptocurrency safe from hacks but so far, no company has made a smartphone that natively supports those coins and protocols. Taiwanese consumer electronics company HTC took on that challenge, revealing the HTC Exodus equipped with cryptocurrency technology. #mobilemagic

This will be the world’s first native blockchain smartphone that will run DApps, decentralized applications, fulfilling Ethereum Foundation’s Vitalik Buterin’s vision. For extra convenience, it will also come with a built-in wallet.

“Through the Exodus, we are also excited to be supporting underlying protocols such as Bitcoin, Lightning Networks, Ethereum, Dfinity, and more. We would like to support the entire blockchain ecosystem, and in the next few months we’ll be announcing many more exciting partnerships together,” explained HTC’s Phil Chen.

As of now, details about a launch date and pricing are unknown. Perhaps you can buy it with Bitcoin?

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