
Police Discovered A Cryptominining Rig Hidden In the Floor And Ventilation Ducts of a Polish Court

a pile of bitcoin

Modern heists are kind of lame, aren’t they? Someone installed a hidden cryptomining rig under a Polish court to steal electricity and obtain digital currency (likely Bitcoin).

The secret cryptomining rig was hidden in the headquarters of the Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw, in the ventilation ducts and the technical floors. 

Even though it potentially stole hundreds of euros worth of electricity per month, they went undetected because they were connected to the Internet through their own modems, not the official network.

From an ArsTechnica report:

“While no one has been charged yet with any crimes, the court seemingly has suspects. Within two weeks of finding the rig, the court terminated a contract with a company responsible for IT maintenance in the building, TVN24 reported. Before the contract ended, the company fired two employees that it said were responsible for maintenance in the parts of the building where the cryptomine was hidden.

Poland’s top law enforcement officials, the Internal Security Agency, have been called in to investigate.”

According to TV news channel TVN24, authorities are now waiting for IT experts to calculate the value of the stolen electricity to pursue damages.

Also read: Man Who Stole $3.4 Billion in Crypto Gets 1 Year of Jail Time

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