
IFA 2019 Day 3: Ultrapowerful Razer Blade Stealth 13, Tiniest Insta360 Cam and the Watch Apple Wants to Have

The third day of IFA started with a behind-the-scenes look and a show. Dance show, actually. From there on, it just got better; Razer let us have a closer look at all their goodies this year – and they’re quite impressive, let me tell you, Insta360 gave us their tiniest camera to take for a spin on the showfloor and in the smartwatch section, we discovered a gadget so unexpected, we think even Apple executives might want it on their wrists.

With our coffee in hand and our gear ready to go, we made our way to Mobvoi, the company that is really catching up with Android smartwatches of late. However, we weren’t there to discuss a smartwatch already on the market, but have a talk about what the team is working on next. I can’t say much but let me tell you it will definitely make the headlines.

Just across from us, seemingly out of nowhere, a dancing show started, with giveaways in between that definitely drew the crowd in. It wasn’t the best execution we’ve seen; however, thanks to that we got the chance to discover a smartwatch that’s every bit as gorgeous as the ones from Apple and get this – even better!

Slimmer, lighter and with a battery life that’s unlike anything I’ve seen from Garmin, Fitbit and of course the Cupertino company, it was almost too good to be true. Especially at a ridiculously low price of 129 euros.

You’ll see our hands-on soon on YouTube and I can’t wait to hear from you – did it impress you or will you swipe to other options?

From smartwatch to cameras – after getting some really tasty burritos and quesadillas, we arrived at Insta360. Here, we talked about the Go camera, the tiniest one yet from the company and its frankly pretty amazing abilities. The team let us take it on the showfloor to get an idea of how good of a video it could capture – our impressions, soon on YouTube!

Finally, we visited Razer, a gaming company that has gone from showcasing wicked peripherals last year in Berlin to unveiling the world’s first gaming ultrabook. At 13-inches and a chassis that’s a bit over 1kg, it will entice gamers who want performance in a small, extremely portable form.

Can tomorrow be even better at Messe? Fingers crossed!

To see all the Day 3 videos mentioned above, just subscribe to our YouTube channel, they will all be there!

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