
iOS 12 Shortcut Activates Camera Recording If Users Are Stopped By The Police

Credit: Pixabay

We are not going to go into the many examples as to why people have started to lose faith in law enforcement agencies as of recently, but what we are going to tell you about is how one Reddit user named Robert Petersen created an iOS 12 shortcut  that is able to monitor police interactions.

You can simply say “Hey Siri, I’m getting pulled over” and Siri will instantly stop any music that is playing, will dim the screen brightness, turn on ‘Do Not Disturb’ and also will send a message to a contact of your choice. After all that is done, it activates video recording on the front camera.

After the recording stops, the copy of the video is sent to the aforementioned contact as well as to your Dropbox and the music and brightness return, while the ‘Do Not Disturb’ is switched off.

Of course, it’s recommended by Petersen that users place their iPhone on the dashboard of the car while driving, in order for them to be able to reposition it as necessary during a police encounter.

What do you think? Will you download the shortcut?

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