Smart Life

iOS Beat Android N To The Punch: Google Will Probably Release Night Mode

Android N
Huffington Post

Monday, Apple released the Night Shift feature in their latest version of iOS, finally enabling users to rest their eyes late in the night. Google had prepared something similar for Android N, too, as can be seen on the developer preview of the OS.

It’s really well hidden, but you can definitely access it if you have access to the developer preview of the latest Android. Called Night Mode, it changes the color temperature of the screen to match the lack of sunlight as you pass dusk. It’s not clear if Google will keep it on the final version of Android N, but if they do, this is how it will look like:

Test it yourself by activating System UI Tuner from the gear icon in Notifications. After it vibrates, let go of the button. Now access Settings – System UI Tuner – Color and Appearance – Night Mode. Ta-da!

We’ll find out for sure if Android N will support Night Mode in May, probably, when Google will hold the I/O developer conference.


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