
Is A Handgun Disguised As Smartphone Case A Good Idea?


One Minnesota startup is busy developing a new way to conceal your firearm. They think disguising a functional handgun as a smartphone case is actually a good idea.

As more nations are shattered by terrorist attacks and violent crimes, some may argue with them. Still, that’s a risk company Ideal Conceal is ready to take by promoting a handgun/smartphone case. They actually devised a way to fold down the grip of a double barreled, .380 caliber pistol upon opening and take it all back, trigger and trigger guard included, when closing the arm.

The creator is not only dismissing the idea of danger associated with such a device but believes it will have the opposite effect: “The idea for Ideal Conceal follows the present-day demand for handguns that people can carry on a day to day basis, in a manner that makes carrying a gun easy to do. From soccer moms to professionals of every type, this gun allows you the option of not being a victim.

The concealed item can be easily placed in the pocket of your jeans, as a normal case. While it’s not on sale now, the creator,  Kirk Kjellberg, thinks it will be a huge success as 2.500 emails orders have arrived in his inbox. The price helps: $395.

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