
Japan Takes First Step Towards Making The Space Elevator A Reality

Credit: Shizuoka University

The Japanese researchers from the Shizuoka University had initially planned to launch the two ultra-small cubic satellites that mark the first stage in building the space elevator, on the 11th of September, but, for reasons yet undisclosed, their launch had been delayed by almost two weeks.

However, on September 22, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency did manage to launch the rocket carrying the Space Tethered Autonomous Robotic Satellite – Mini elevator (STARS-Me).

The STARS-Me are two 10 centimeter worth of cubic satellites that are connected to a 10 meter long tether on which a small robot that will represent an elevator car, measuring 3 centimeters across and 6 centimeters tall, will be moving up and down using a motor.

If the full-scale elevator will be built, that is the setup that will be used in order to carry astronauts and cargo from Earth and up to the space stations. The elevator will be expected to reach speeds of up to 200kmh and arrive at a space station in around eight days after departure.

The cable it will use will measure 96,000km, while the total cost of the project is estimated at 10 trillion yen.

The concept still sounds like something out of Science Fiction stories and not at all viable, but the Shizuoka University researchers insist that the concept is actually not impossible in the slightest – it only needs the necessary tests and adjustments.

“In theory, a space elevator is highly plausible. Space travel may become something popular in the future.”

– Yoji Inshikawa, leader of the Shizuoka team, for the Mainichi Daily

I don’t know about you, but, if the elevator does get built and they will ever allow space tourist to use it, I would definitely sign up for a ride.

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