
Korean FCC Demands Explanation From Apple For Slowing Down iPhones

slowing down iphones

Korea’s Communications Commission, which is the FCC equivalent in the country, took notice of the scandal Apple is involved in since admitting it has been slowing down iPhones as batteries are wearing down. More importantly, it’s officially demanding an explanation from the company.

The Korea Herald wrote that the Korea Communications Commission is concerned whether Apple has been taking these decisions without warning or consulting the customers intentionally: ““We are hoping to get some answers on whether Apple intentionally restricted the performance of old iPhones and tried to hide this from customers”. It’s the most KCC can do at this moment, as it doesn’t have any jurisdiction over multinational companies with headquarters established outside of Korea.

In their official statement on the matter, Apple explained that the only reason behind their intentional speed limitations was to prevent random shutdowns of the devices. Users and media have been reluctant to take it at face value, with some users actually suing the company for financial prejudices. 

Whether that’s true or not, remains to be seen. What can’t be denied here is that Apple didn’t inform its customers of their actions from the beginning and many of you condemned their decision altogether in our poll.  

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