What a marvelous photo, the one above – a perfectly framed mid-air plane, captured from below a ladder and its cage! It...
You know how toddlers imitate grownups when it comes to taking their first steps or tying their shoelaces? Well, self-driven cars are...
Imagine a bald eagle in flight – its eyes set on the prey, diving with spectacular speed, preparing to tighten its grip...
Local Motors, the first company to ever 3D print an electrical car, got an important investment from the Airbus Ventures’ $150 million...
You love filming the family when they least expect it? Or taking a look through your favorite spots in town? Now you...
Your smartphone, the thing that knows everything about your life, is going to give you away. Kodekey, a new biometric authentication system...
If you’re anything like me, then you probably feel safe at night only with your digital weapon by your side. No matter...
Ever wanted to break Battlestar Galactica’s fictional world barrier and be one of them? Now, you can. While you won’t be fighting...