
Magic Leap CEO: That Leak “Is NOT What You Think It Is”

magic leap leak ceo truth

A couple of days ago, Business Insider leaked an image of what was supposed to be a prototype of Magic Leap mixed reality gear. The complicated, all-wired backpack made most of us deem it uncomfortable and chunky. Now, Magic Leap CEO says the picture seen isn’t what we initially thought #realitymagic

Rony Abovitz told followers on Twitter to pay little attention to the picture leaked by the publication, since it wasn’t the consumer prototype everybody thought it was:

©Business Insider,

In fact, the object above is an “R&D test rig” used for the collection of “room/space data for our machine vision/machine learning work.” What role does it play in the mixed reality scene? Well, Abovitz says they use it “in order to understand lighting, texture, various surfaces.”

That’s fine and all, but the question remains: when will the company be ready to unveil their MR head mounted display? The Magic Leap talk started about six years ago and the first footage on user experience was released last spring. It’s 2017 and there’s still no glimpse of the consumer-ready device… even though the company has all the financial support they need from investors like Alibaba and Legendary Entertainment.

In this context, the only thing the CEO did was to promise fans that they won’t be let down by the final product.

What do you think – are you still excited to see Magic Leap in action or has all the waiting left you a sour taste?

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