
Mindesk Wants to Bring CAD Designers in VR, Gets $900K

mindesk 3D cad models in vr

One of the most promising startups in the VR arena, Mindesk, just secured $900K in funding from HTC Vive and three other venture capital companies.

An Italian-funded company, Mindesk wants to bring CAD designers in virtual reality, offering them a new platform for real-time CAD collaboration.

In it, users can create, edit and review 3D CAD models straight through virtual reality. Available as a plugin for the popular CAD software Grasshopper and McNeel Rhinoceros, the project started after an architect wanted a better way for his clients to review his works.

“I would spend hours making physical prototypes of my designs to show clients or studio partners. However, right after these meetings, I would end up throwing the prototypes away as they were no longer needed or up to date.

The costs associated with this wasteful and time-consuming workflow is the reason more designers are now turning to VR for reviews,” says a developer.

Of course, Mindesk’s offering won’t just be for architects but for all kinds of workers who need to preview their projects.

“Tired of spending hours exporting their CAD model to third parties’ game engines, we made it possible to jump right in VR in just a click with no model preparation or export involved.

Our customers are active predominantly in the fields of architecture, ship design, industrial product design and creative arts, all who have tight deadlines and no time to waste in tech frictions,” says Mindesk.

Also read: ✍Angelina, the AI That Makes Games✍

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