
More Sony First-Party Games May Come to PC

PC: PlayStation

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Although Xbox users have had the luxury of playing Xbox’s catalogue of games on PC, Sony and Nintendo gamers have had to play their respective first-party games on consoles exclusively. However, that may be changing in the near future!

According to PC Gamer, Sony is interested in porting more PlayStation first-party games to PC. In a corporate report by Sony, the company explicitly states its desires to move into the PC realm: “We will explore expanding our 1st party titles to the PC platform in order to promote further growth in our profitability” (43).

Sony has already tested the waters, so to speak, with both Horizon Zero Dawn and Death Stranding on the PC. Death Stranding’s PC debut came only a few months after the game’s initial release on PS4 while Horizon Zero Dawn’s came out several years later. Each are highly acclaimed first-party exclusives, so their moves to PC were initially a shock.

It is unclear in the corporate report what other games are coming to PC and whether or not PlayStation 5 games are part of that list.

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