Smart Life

New Patents: Apple Watch Will Bring Even More Accurate Wellness Features

Website PatentlyApple just spotted the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s newly-granted patents to Apple – all 64 of them!

However, two are definitely a highlight, especially for those who prefer low-impact exercise and more calming activities.

Yes, it’s yoga!

The new patent is titled “Pose and heart rate energy expenditure for yoga”.

It aims to improve the prediction and tracking of calorie expenditure based on a user’s poses and heart rate in yoga.

Even more, additional data such as temperature could be used. 

apple patent apple watch 6 yoga patently apple

That means that, if this shows up in Apple Watch 6, the device might even know if you’re doing regular yoga or hot yoga.

Apple Watch already has a yoga preset but that does not include these finer trackings so, if you really want to capture everything about your next session, keep an eye out for watchOS 7.

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