
Nintendo Switch 2 Will Be Smaller, More Powerful Version on Hold


While the Nintendo Switch has its weaknesses, it wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that Nintendo did create a product that is almost universally loved by the users. Even so, a lot of them were wondering: when will the Switch 2 finally emerge?

Technically, pretty soon, according to Nikkei, but it might not be in the way the fans had in mind.

Apparently, Nintendo will put out a new Switch console in the fall but it will be a much smaller and affordable version which will focus on portability. So it will basically serve as a younger sibling to the Switch we already have on hand today.

As far as a more powerful Switch goes, Nikkei says that is still in the works but the device won’t arrive anytime soon as the project has been put on hold for the time being.

Obviously, the reactions from the long-time fans, in spite of the widespread love they’ve shown the Switch, will most likely be lukewarm. Admittedly, most of them are more interested newer titles than changing their console, at the end of the day.

What do you think? Were you hoping to see a more powerful Switch this year or are you still happy to continue using your current console?

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