
No More Dust In Your Face: New Roomba Model Empties Itself

Credit: iRobot

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I don’t remember ever meeting anyone who said they enjoy cleaning the floors of their house but I do remember a few people who bought the Roomba robot vacuum when it launched back in 2002.

The robot has not suffered many major changes since, though the Roomba 980 did get a series of cameras and sensors that allowed it to safely guide itself around the furniture in one’s house. Now we have a new member joining the Roomba family: The Roomba i7, who promises to be the upgraded successor of the 980. It also will be much easier to manage.

The Roomba i7  has a new charging base with a bigger trash bin than the previous models which automatically sucks up the debris out of the robot and directly into the bag. It can hold up to 30 cleaning’s worth of dirt, dust and what-have-you, so you will only have to set the robot off once a day and empty the trash maybe once a month.

Credit: iRobot / YouTube 

The robot can also be commanded via Alexa or other virtual assistants. All you need to do is sync up the Roomba app with you assistant of choice and then ask it to tell the Roomba which area of the house to clean.

The i7 is already up for sale with a starting price of $699 but that does not include the base, which will cost an additional $299. It will start shipping in September.

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