
No Rest For The Atlas Robot: It’s Doing Parkour Now

Credit: Boston Dynamics

Every time Boston Dynamics releases a new video of their robots we’re pretty much gearing up for a round of screaming because that’s how usually everyone reacts to their robots – with excited yelling. Remember the SpotMini? We sure had a field day watching it back then.

Speaking of, remember Atlas’ morning jog? Well, it seems like all that running was good for something: Atlas is doing Parkour now.

In the video below, you can see Atlas breaking another milestone by effortlessly jumping over obstacles and then hopping onto some boxes with such ease it’s a little unsettling to watch. It’s almost hard to believe Atlas is just metal and wire and not bone and muscle.

Credit: Boston Dynamics / YouTube 

It was just in 2016 that we were in awe that bipedal robots could walk, on uneven ground none the less, and now Atlas is doing backflips and jumping over obstacles I wouldn’t even dream of without some serious CrossFit training.

Yes, Boston Dynamics’ robots still make mistakes – a while ago Atlas even fell of the stage during the Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders presentation in 2017, but the speed of the developments in robotics that Boston Dynamics has gotten us used to is no joke. Watch Atlas walk across (and fall off) that stage and then switch back to the most recent video – it’s merely a year in between them.

Frankly, I am looking forward to see what’s next from Atlas. Krav Maga? Ballroom dancing? The machine uprising? I’m game for any of these options.

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