Smart Life

Petcube Cam Lets You Easily Check On Your Furry Friends On The Cheap

petcube cam pets camera

Petcube, one of the most popular brands for our furry friends, is back with an affordable camera to check on your pets.

After the adorable Petcube Bites camera that lets your give treats to your dog or cat, even from afar, or the Petcube Play camera featuring a laser toy, the company is back with the $40 Petcube Cam.

That $40 price tag means there are no treats to be dispersed or lasers to help entertain your fur babies at home.

petcube cam vet chat

Still, it offers an affordable way to check on them remotely and even prevent them from chewing the sofa using smart alerts.

If you notice anything out of the ordinary, you can also connect to your doctor fast, using the built-in live vet chat.

“If you capture any suspicious pet behavior, consult a professional vet 24/7 to see if your pet needs a clinic visit by simply starting a chat from the Petcube app,” says Petcube.

The Petcube Cam is incredibly tiny, at just 2.1 inches across, and comes with an adjustable stand and magnetic mount, so you can put it anywhere your pets like to hang.

Shooting in 1080p with 8x zoom and featuring a 110-degrees field of view, it can also work as a great budget security camera.

It charges via an USB-C cable and connects easily to your phone.

You just have to download the app on your phone, login by creating an account or using Google or Facebook, then add your WiFi details and show your phone with the QR code to the camera.

Find the Petcube Cam on Amazon.

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