
Place The Order In Your Kitchen: World’s First Robotic Chef

There’s still a long way to go until empathetic androids can coexist with us, humans, just like in the “Bicentennial Man” but robots are making their way to… the kitchen. Moley Robotics presented a robotic kitchen prototype and chef at Hanover Messe, the international robotics show #objectmagic

The Robotic Kitchen features an oven, hob, sink and a robotc chef whose arms will swiftly cook any fancy recipe you choose. His skills belong to BBC Master Chef Tim Anderson; the cook’s movements were recorded than replayed through the robotic hands, that have multiple joints, “numerous actuated degrees of freedom, tactile sensors and sophisticated control systems.”

The robot is programmed to deliver the same skills, speed, sensitivity and movement a human would deliver. Before they get started, you have select your meal from a touchscreen where an iTunes-like library of recipes can be accessed easily. The same thing can be done from a smartphone app. Once the settings are chosen, a glass screen glides to close the unit, leaving the robot do to its job.


The team worked 12 months to develop the prototype alongside Shadow Robotics, Yachtline, DYSEGNO, Sebastian Conran and Stanford University Professor Mark Cutkosky. The first consumer version will be available in 2018 and is going to feature the arms, oven, hob and touchscreen unit. Soon, 3D recipe recording will open a world of possibilities for famous chefs and great cooks.

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