
Kenyan Students Will Have To Provide Biometric Data To Keep Schools Safe


In our first editorial series, we’ve covered #themagicofbiometrics, how our body is the best security measure for personal data but also for people’s safety. In this sense, the Kenyan government decided to enforce biometric authentication in universities and school, with the first step being fingerprint collection from students #biomagic

Within the next 120 days, universities and colleges are required to provide biometric data for all the students enrolled in each facility, according to Capital News. Passport photographs, fingerprints and programs for each student’s year are required by authorities in order to keep a better evidence of those who are indeed enrolled there:

“Under Section 5 (1) of the Universities Act, 2012, the commission is mandated with the responsibility of collecting, disseminating and maintaining data on university education in Kenya,” the Education Cabinet Secretary stated. “Pursuant to this section, I now direct you to require all universities and constituent colleges, within the next one hundred and twenty days from the date of this letter.”

This requirement is meant as another security measure against terrorist attacks, besides metal detectors already installed in schools. Through biometric verification, they will be able to see which young men are entering the school under false pretenses.


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