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Privacy Centered Search Engine DuckDuckGo Explodes With A 62% Overnight Growth


Since its inception, privacy centered search engine DuckDuckGo experienced unprecedented market growth. In large part due to user data collection, continuous breaches of trust, and other unpleasant experiences with traditional search engines, DuckDuckGo made the top spot in secure alternatives to browse the internet.

In this regard, DuckDuckGo maintains a rapid increase as the company reached 102M daily search queries for the first time in January, marking a momentous occasion for the anti-data-collection website. As opposed to Google, for example, or others, DuckDuckGo builds its search index using its DuckDuckBot crawler, indexing Wikipedia, and through partners like Bing. 

Each time you search on DuckDuckGo, you have a blank search history, as if you’ve never been there before, DuckDuckGo explains in their privacy blog.

DuckDuckGo made a name for itself, as a search engine, with a few key characteristics, such as not tracking your searches to build a user profile or share any personal or identifying data with third-party companies, including ad networks. Sure, this makes the website not as profitable as Google, but it makes it a safer alternative. 

In the age of data privacy concerns, this 62% install growth looks like a market reaction to what big companies are doing, as DuckDuckGo is positioning itself as the anti-hero in this tech-tale. The website also stated that this recorded a 62% growth in average daily searches in 2020 is just the beginning, as the average 90 million search queries per day will soon double in mass, depending on what Google and the other players are doing. 

On January 11th, 2021, DuckDuckGo received 102,251,307 daily search queries, a record for the search engine. This increased growth has led DuckDuckGo to become the second most used search engine on mobile devices in the USA, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australian markets. All this, while Google still holds a 94% market share in the US, as DuckDuckGo is now in second place with 2.25%, followed by Yahoo at 1.94%. Those margins are looking pretty Grimm right now. 

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Privacy Centered Search Engine DuckDuckGo Explodes With A 62% Overnight Growth

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