
Robot Lawyer Helped Over 16,000 People With Legal Advice For Free

donotpay robot lawyer

Robots are already taking important roles in surgical rooms and police stations so why wouldn’t they fit in court rooms, too?! That’s exactly what Joshua Browder thought before developing a chatbot… lawyer  #machinemagic

British entrepreneur Joshua Browder created DoNotPay to tackle law issues for people who can’t afford a human lawyer or need small advice in legal matters. The chatbot, based on IBM’s Watson artificial intelligence technology, was first tasked with disputing parking tickers. Since 2015, Browder says DoNotPay helped over 16,000 people to dispute their tickets in both London and New York.

The entire process is very straightforward. A user simply has to type in the question or problem at hand before the bot can reply with the proper solutions. And, best of all, everything is free of charge. After its technique proved to be of utmost help to users, Browder expanded the robot’s legal service. Now, it can handle the law and its loopholes in 1,000 different areas, including problems with landlords and flight delays. Plus, the service it available in all 50 states.

Joshua Browder says it can even help refugees get the information they need, offer them advice regarding filling in forms and applying for asylum.

Check out all the problems this robot lawyer can help you with in the video below:

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