redditor ibreakphotos samsung space zoom comparison

Samsung Faking the 100x Zoom on Phones? “Space Zoom” Called Out for Using AI to invent Details

Samsung’s advertised “Space Zoom” that allows user to take moon photos with 100x zoom is called into question on Reddit.

According to this report, the details you see in a 100x zoom photo taken by your Samsung could just be AI-generated, not enhanced from the object you photographed – as you can see in the comparison shot above.

One user launched an interesting investigation that reveals Samsung’s Space Zoom is “more of a feat of AI trickery than anything else”.

User u/ibreakphotos’s experiment shot to the top of the Android subreddit on Friday, which Apple Insider noticed.

From the report:

That so-called Space Zoom could potentially allow users to photograph the moon, and many do. However, it may be the case that the level of detail in the moon shots may only be higher due to software shenanigans….

The user tested the effect by downloading a high-resolution image of the moon, then downsized it to a 170 by 170-resolution image, and then applied a gaussian blur to obliterate any final details of its surface. They then showed the low-res blurry moon at full screen on their monitor, walked to the other end of their room, zoomed in on the fake celestial body, and took a photograph. After some processing, an image of the moon was produced by the smartphone, but the surface had considerably more detail for the surface than the doctored source. The user reckons Samsung “is leveraging an AI model to put craters and other details on places which were just a blurry mess.”

They go further to stress that while super resolution processing uses multiple images to recover otherwise-lost detail, this seems to be something different. It is proposed that this is a case “where you have a specific AI model trained on a set of moon images, in order to recognize the moon and slap on the moon texture on it.”

u/ibreakphotos also posted another update later on. He did another experiment suggested by the Android community. His conclusion? The Samsung phone in question is “literally adding in detail that weren’t there. It’s not deconvolution, it’s not sharpening, it’s not super resolution, it’s not “multiple frames or exposures”. It’s generating data.”

Samsung has not issued a statement yet.

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Samsung Faking the 100x Zoom on Phones? “Space Zoom” Called Out for Using AI to invent Details

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