
See What The Latest OnePlus 3 Android Nougat Beta Update Brings

OnePlus Android Nougat

OnePlus is hard at work releasing beta updates for the Oxygen OS build on Android Nougat. The latest beta update has just arrived, giving us a glimpse into what the official Nougat OTA will offer to OnePlus 3 users by the end of the year #softwaremagic

Users in the OnePlus beta program have been encouraged to submit their feedback after every new release. The latest update brought one specific improvement and a series of optimizations. Changes were announced in a forum, as follows:

  • Added Expanded Screenshots
  • Shelf Design Optimizations
  • General UI Optimizations
  • DPI Optimizations
  • Battery Performance Optimizations
  • Stability and Performance Optimizations
  • General bug fixes

As you can see, OnePlus has worked on battery performance, user interface and bug fixes, neither of which surprises us in any way. The nice bit is the “expanded screenshots” at the top of the list. These represent a smart version of the typical screenshot you’re used to. Instead of grabbing only the content you see on the screen at a specific point in time, it will save the entire page you’re currently scrolling.

Bought a OnePlus 3T? Don’t worry! Your device will also get the official update by the end of the year.

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