
Snapchat Has Now Added AR Lenses For Your Dog


Yes guys, you read it right: Snapchat has announced that now it has special versions of its Lenses that were designed specifically with dogs in mind, because why not?

For those of you who were not aware, our feline overlords were the first ones to benefits from these Lenses back in October, while our other fuzzy friends had to wait for the holidays to come around. But now they too can also suffer at our hands and be decorated in AR.

Snapchat / YouTube

At the moment, among the Lenses you can use you can count glasses, butterflies and flying dog bones but Snapchat has more on the way soon.

All you have to do to use the feature is to access Lenses, point the camera at your dog and go through the options.

Now, if you also manage to get your dog to stand still for long enough, you might just have the perfect pet photo on your hands.

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