Smart Life

Sonic Kayak Adds Some Music To Your Water Adventure

sonic kayak

Feeling lonely during your kayak morning session? Maybe a bit of music will help. Amber Griffiths and her colleagues from FoAM Kernow agree and they have put the building blocks for a singing kayak of sorts #objectmagic

Their Sonic Kayak concept can record the sounds from beneath the water with the help of several sensors only to then broadcast it through speakers attached to its prow. Nope, you can’t use a headphone jack instead for safety reasons, so you’ll need to sharpen your senses to hear the underwater world. Unless you want “to be capsizing with cables around your neck area”.

If you want to build one for yourself, you’ll have to invest about $1133 (but some parts can be purchased cheaper, the team says).

Essentially, you’ll need an underwater microphone, a GPS unit, thermometers, speakers and a Raspberry Pi computer board. The end result you’ll hear in real time is a mix of three tracks: underwater audio registered in real time, pre-recorded sounds and voices that come up when the boat goes through several GPS points and a tone that rises and falls as the temperature varies.

What’s the final impression you get from the sonic kayak? A sort of meditation sound experience. If th30at’s exactly what you’d like to listen to when you’re on the lake, check all the instructions in the paper from  journal PLOS Biology.

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