
Sony Opens Registration for Chance at PlayStation 5 Pre-Order

PC: PlayStation

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Although Sony has not yet announced the release date and price for the PlayStation 5, they have opened registration for the chance to pre-order the console.

You read that correctly: Sony is asking people to register in a lottery-like system to get the opportunity to pre-order before information on release date and price are publicly available. According to the FAQ page, those who are fortunate enough to receive an invitation will be able to pre-order before pre-orders become more widely available. These people can only buy one console (either standard or digital) and two of each accessories, but there is an expiration date and time for when one can pre-order. Additionally, these consoles will only be shipped to a US address.

There are many questions about this registration process. Namely, when will people be notified if they’ve won? Also, how many invitations will be sent out relative to the expected amount of PlayStation 5s able to be shipped this holiday? It is unclear when or if these questions will be answered, but as the holidays slowly approach, we will hopefully be given some clarity on all things PlayStation 5.

If you would like to sign up for this pre-order registration, please see this website.

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