
Stephen Hawking Is Creating The Most Complex 3D Map Of The Early Universe


Stephen Hawking is far from being done with theories, the Universe and dark energy. In fact, he is now planning to build the most detailed 3D map of the early Universe, focusing on how it has changed in the last 14 billion years #todaymagic

For such a map to take shape it has to involve billions of galaxies, supernovas and black holes. The theoretician is determined to rely on facts and observations this time, instead of emitting hypotheses. Hawking and his team from the supercomputing lab in Cambridge will use the data captured by the Planck satellite – cosmic radiation from the Big Bang -, information about the expansion of the Universe captured with the Dark Energy Survey telescope and everything they can use from the Euclid probe, set to launch four years from now.

It’s not the first time such a model of the Universe was devised, but with this map scientists will be able to make comparisons between what existed after the Big Bang and what is out there at this moment. Hawking is especially interested to see how dark energy is involved in the expansion of the Universe and why not, find out the exact age of the world we live in.

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