
The CIA Will Be Joining Instagram


On Thursday last week, Central Intelligence Director Gina Haspel announced to a crowd gathered at Auburn University in Alabama that the CIA will make its presence known on Instagram.

For those of you who were not aware, the agency has Facebook and Twitter accounts but no one’s spilling any secrets over there 😉 The pages are mostly used to scout for new talent and to offer some history on the agency and some of the more prominent figures that have walked its halls.

The Twitter page also hosts news about its very own canine unit, alongside photos of its puppies in training, so we’re not complaining – that’s quality content we can all agree on.

It’s unknown when exactly the IG account will launch or what it will be used for but we doubt the agency will post classified photos. Even so, it will probably be more interesting than the FBI’s account, which mostly posts photos of students or law enforcement training (no puppies).

The TSA also has an Instagram account, which is a bit more exciting as it often proudly posts images of items people tried to get past airport security, such as nunchucks. They post photos of their security dogs and the occasional resident cat, so their page is my favorite so far, for obvious reasons.

I hope the CIA will deliver some quality content that will rival the nunchucks to be honest, but if they wanted us to be really excited about it, they should have mentioned something about puppies – just saying.

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