
The Impact of AI Writing Services on The Education System

a robot hand typing on a keyboard

AI in higher education has become a growing topic in recent years. Their unknown potential has created both admiration and apprehension.

Tools like ChatGPT have helped the academic world become more convenient and personalized. Educators automate administrative tasks, and undergraduates access resources and materials with ease. But there are concerns that they will encourage laziness through overreliance on AI.

This article will explore the ways it is impacting teaching and learning.

The Effect of AI Writing Services on Teaching and Learning

AI-powered tools provide ease, speed, and convenience. AI is transforming the ways students learn through:

●      Automated content creation.

●      Personalized learning.

●      Improved writing.

●      Accessibility and efficiency.

Students live hectic lives by juggling classes, homework, and extracurriculars. As a result of the growing demand for efficient writing solutions, many have begun to use a paper writer service. Recently, the incorporation of AI-powered tools to streamline processes and conserve time has become increasingly common. This blend of human expertise and artificial intelligence has brought about various benefits.

As a result, students for example often use AI-powered tools to cut processes and save time. One of the use cases is essay writing. Undergraduates consult algorithms to complete their tasks. But despite its access to a large database of data, even AI is not perfect or without fault. The piece of tech makes mistakes like humans.

One of the problems users encounter is uniqueness. AI-powered tools cannot create unique essays. The algorithm pulls data from different sources and compiles it into one. Hence, the final result is often plagiarized and doesn’t follow guidelines. In turn, the result affects their grades. A better alternative is to order quality papers from an online writing service.

An online essay writing service uses professional writers in various fields. Unlike AI-powered software, real humans write assignments from scratch. When you order an essay from Papersowl, the writers pass it through different verification stages to ensure standardized control. They screen all papers for plagiarism, deliver on schedule, and guarantee 100% confidentiality. Apart from this, you can ask for unlimited revisions or a refund.

An AI-powered tool provides automation. In turn, this helps undergraduates and educators create more content in less time. But it does not guarantee better learning outcomes. The best result is achieved when the tools are combined with human knowledge.

The Many Ways AI is Transforming Education

Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to perform human tasks. It uses machine learning to learn from new sets of data rather than explicit programming. But unlike other industries, most AI still requires expert human intelligence. The top ways it is transforming schools are described below.

Personalized Experience

Technology facilitates personalized learning for all stakeholders. Educators use it to create lesson plans for students. It analyzes data based on determined criteria and provides recommendations. The teacher can then use the suggestion to improve student engagement and performance. Apart from lecturers, undergraduates use it to research and ease their workload.

girl holding hands with a service robot fitted with a tablet

Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash

Automate Tasks

AI-powered tools are capable of several functions. This cuts across domestic use in homes and educational functions. They include grading, record-keeping, and more. Stakeholders use them to free some time and focus on other productive tasks. It also increases efficiency and reduces errors. They use search engines to find information and create games, simulations, and engaging content.

Analysis and Prediction

The tools analyze data from different sources, including social media activities and attendance records. With this, educators identify undergraduates who may be facing challenges and provide the necessary help. Undergraduates and teachers can also use intelligent tutoring systems for personalized feedback. The tools guide users through complex topics and adapt to different learning styles.

Advantages & Disadvantages of AI Writing Services

AI is transforming learning and teaching by automating content creation. It is also providing a personalized learning experience. But its unethical use promotes unfairness in the university.

Let us explore the benefits and drawbacks of using AI-powered assistants below:

Saves Time

AI requires less time than a human writer to create content. Hence, it is vital for researchers that handle a large workload. The tools are reliable and follow a specific writing style and format.

Improved Quality and Personalized Contents

Artificial intelligence tools use algorithms to improve the standard of the content they produce. The tools check for errors, improve structures, and make the piece clear and concise. Apart from this, they are customizable to meet the specific needs of the user.

Accessible and Cost-Effective

The tools provide a cost-effective way to produce content. You won’t spend as much as you would if you hire extra staff or outsource content creation. As a result, it makes educational information more accessible.

But what about the downsides?

Lack of Creativity and Content

AI-powered tools produce content fast. But they don’t have the same level of originality and creativity as human writers. It can also be used to cheat in competitions and generate misleading results. The tools lack understanding of cultural and social issues rocking the world. Hence, the result could be inappropriate for the target audience.

Prejudice and Concern

The AI-writing service is someone’s creation. As a result, it can generate contents that are insensitive to a minority or disadvantaged group. Apart from this, there is growing concern over security and quality control. The tools need access to personal information and data. This can form a privacy breach. Plus, users risk low-quality results if the algorithm is not maintained.

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AI offers several advantages for different groups of people.

The most prominent ones are that it saves time and improves the quality of work. It has a unique potential to transform the industry and provide new ways for teachers and students to grow.

However, there is an inherent risk that users may become too reliant on them. In this case, they will overlook critical thinking and the value of human creativity. Hence, stakeholders must use AI intelligently and ethically.

Tech is not a substitute for humans. Instead, it is a tool to support their work. In the end, the essence should be to complement human creativity, not replace them. 

Article contributed by Josephine Houghton.

About the author: Josephine is a writer and editor with 15 years of experience in the education field. She has a keen interest in the intersection of technology and education and conducts extensive research on the impact of artificial intelligence on various aspects of the education system.

Also read: The Best Writing Apps and AI Writing Software for 2021

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