Smart Life

This Foldable Wheelchair Can Be Taken as Cabin Luggage

Booking a flight, checking in luggage, waiting in lines… traveling by plane can be a headache most of the time. All those protocols, while necessary, can make the most patient traveler go crazy. And it gets even more complicated when you have to separately check-in a wheelchair and get assistance. So, someone designed a foldable wheelchair that becomes so compact, it can be checked in as carry-on luggage!

Revolve Air is a futuristic wheelchair in looks and function. The black and white wheelchair has 24-inch collapsable wheels, which means it can fold down to fit in a standard airplane cabin.

This means no more need to check-in the wheelchair at the airport hours before the flight, with the risk of damage to the valuable and necessary chair. No more long waiting at the luggage delivery. No need to store the wheelchair in a large car trunk giving revolve air owners the freedom to drive small cars or take any taxis available. explains Andrea Mocellin, founder and inventor of Revolve Air.

The founder says it can save up to 60% more space than a normal wheelchair, making every kind of transportation a breeze. Not to mention, making the wheelchair itself easier to handle.

Unfortunately, the wheelchair is a prototype for now, as Mocellin looks for partners for good: manufacturers that could make several units off his model, beta testers and also airports and aiplane companies that would be willing to create custom storage spaces for them.

If the latter happens, wheelchairs would not be just available for sale but renting too, making trips more pleasant and stress-free.

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This Foldable Wheelchair Can Be Taken as Cabin Luggage

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