
This Game In 4D Rewrites The Rules Of Time And Space

Move over Stark Trek, Call of Duty, Assassin’s Creed and all you video games in 3D! The future belongs to four-dimensional games like Miegakure.

While the fourth dimension is hard to process and visualize by humans, computers have no problem conceptualizing it. Knowing this, designer Marc Ten Bosch has put his imagination to play with a 4D game called Miegakure. The game adds a whole new plane of reality making optical illussions children’s play compared to its mind-blowing graphics.miegakure

Since you might have a hard time understanding how it was possible to create it in the first place, Bosch explains the process and takes you through a bit of gameplay in the video above.

We don’t have an official release date yet, but we can count on two versions of it – one for PS4, another one for PC.


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