
New Leaks Show Missing Headphone Jack On The iPhone 7


Apple is nothing if not innovative. And rebellious, too. Besides the Tim Cook stand on secure data against the FBI,  the company has showed an inclination to go off the beaten track; it happened when they let go of the CD/DVD slot on MacBook Air and, more recently, when the new MacBook replaced multiple ports with one USB-C port.

It’s going to happen again with the newest iPhone, which will debut in fall. According to @onleaks, the handset will give up its headphone jack for good. How do we know there’s a grain of truth to that? These iPhone cases seem to disregard such an opening:

Instead, there’s a larger opening for what could be another speaker, leading Apple enthusiasts to believe that this handset will sport stereo speakers. Ok, but how will we listen to music in public places? Apple could release new headphones that go with their Lightning port or a sort of hybrid between a jack and a port.

Once again, we have to remind you these are mere rumors at the present and could very well be fake schematics. If it proves to be true, there’s always the iPhone 5se to buy, which will likely mantain the headphone jack.

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