Smart Life

Why Is Instagram The Perfect Platform For Food Photography

food instagram

The perfect plating, with colors aligned to a T and textures carefully selected, used to be the job of chefs in Michelin stars restaurants. Now, it’s Instagrammers’ daily habit, whether they are photographers, food bloggers or celebrities. It has become a compulsive need to share the beautiful food you’re brought, even if it takes minutes to edit, apply filters and add hashtags. So, why would you risk letting the food go cold for a picture that will get you likes, not contracts?

New studies show that by photographing your food prior eating, you actually raise the expectations in regard to its taste. It’s easier to savor it later. Researchers from the University of San Diego and Saint Joseph’s University  recruited 120 people to test their theory. One part of them got an indulgent food to taste – a red velvet cake -, the others, a fruit salad. Each of them had to decide if they would consume it right away or take a snap before eating it.

The conclusion didn’t disappoint – those who took a picture of it before consuming it, said it tasted better than the ones who ate it immediately. The healthy option didn’t trigger such differences.

This discovery coupled with psychologists’ foundings on the satisfaction felt when delaying the act of consuming food indicate that the more you wait to eat your meal and start observing its beautiful details, the more happy you’ll feel at the end.

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