
Watch Facebook’s First 360-degree Video, Filmed With Its Own Camera!

Remember when Facebook announced their own VR camera?  While they still don’t plan on selling it, they do hope it will encourage professionals to buy parts for their own Surround 360. As for incentive, Facebook just published a 360-degree video filmed with said camera in Grand Central Terminal. #realitymagic

Over the course of a few months, a huge team worked on capturing the magic of New York’s famous train station, recording part by part, only after closing hours – 2AM until 5AM. In this period of time, Facebook producers have managed to transform the iconic place in a character, a silent witness of daily human interactions, from goodbyes to hopeful reconnections.

Here and Now is the name of the final result, a movie you can view on your smartphone, browser, but better yet, on Samsung and Oculus’ Gear VR headset. It’s endearing to see scenes of families as if you were one invisible tourist in the promotional movie done by Facebook and it will probably make you want to film yours soon.

If you want to experience with Facebook’s camera design and stitching software, make sure you stay tuned to its release, this summer, since they’re going to be free! 

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