Smart Life

Larger Than Life: World’s First Single Shot 8×10 Digital Camera

largesense 8x10 camera

Medium-format cameras have been growing in popularity thanks to the larger sensors – meaning higher quality (and bigger) images – and the different fields of view. Well, California-based company LargeSense decided medium-formats weren’t enough and took it one step further. Their LS911 is a large-format camera and the world’s first single shot 8×10 digital camera.

While the LS911 is labeled promotionally as “8×10” because “that is the closest format that people search for,” it actually has a 9×11 monochrome sensor. This sensor allows for 75-micron pixel size that are “very large and sharp compared to high resolution small format cameras.”

Sensor Size Comparison. Source:×10-large-format-digital-back-ls911/

As the camera’s description suggests, this camera’s sensor is read at one time, making it extremely attractive for photographers that shoot moving subjects. The output is a 12MP, 3888×3072 resolution photo with a “3D feeling”.

While the LS911 shoots in monochrome, there’s a system to create tricolor images with the help of filters.

Since each captured image is quite large, LargeSense outfitted their camera with 900GB of storage. Each photo can be saved in one of the following formats: DNG, TIFF 16 bit, TIFF 32 bit, RAW, and JPEG.

Photographers also have the option to record 4K videos at up to 26fps. Other specs to consider are:

  • maximum sensitivity of ISO 6400
  • shutter speeds as fast as 1/26s
  • external LC shutter in the works, with speeds up to 1/500 sec
  • display for frame and focus adjustments

The camera costs $106,000, a hefty price for sure, but one that could be worth it for those looking for a large-format camera.

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