
World’s Largest Floating Solar Power Facility Opens In China

floating solar power plant
Digital Trends

China has just become home to the world’s biggest floating solar power facility. After many months of work, the project has been finalized and connected to the power grid #todaymagic

The Asian country is no stranger to renewable energy facilities. Just last year, the government announced the presence of a 20MW floating facility in Huainan (Anhui province). Today, though, it can really say it broke a record by opening a 40-megawatt floating solar facility. This huge power plant is located in Huainan, also, in a region where people used to mine for coal.

The project was led to completion by Sungrow Power Supply Co. and is part of the nation’s bigger plan to increase its non-fissile fuel energy sources by 20%. With these accomplishments underway, China could easily reach its goal. It already is the the nation with the most installed solar-power capacity.

The country boasts a 10-square-mile solar power plant based on land, also known as Longyangxia Dam Solar Park. This solar power plant can produce a whooping 850MW of power, enough for 200,000 households. The 40MW one in Huainan was developed as a floating facility, though, to free up land and reduce water evaporation.

At this rate, we might be fortunate enough to see solar power plants threaten the existence of coal facilities in ten years or so. 

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